Welcome to Odinet Internet Service Provider
(+91) 73819 99777
Cuttack, Odisha - 753001



Odinet Infocom Private Limited

And that’s just the beginning. Take a moment to discover how we’ve Innovated the Internet Concept. We are committed to your satisfaction and welcome your feedback. We’ll do all we can to make your ODINET experience positive. In today’s world, due to increased need of global communication and use of various technologies, Internet has become most prominent and crucial component of communication infrastructure, all businesses whether a large company, an emerging business, a start-up or a government organization, require the fast, reliable and secure Internet access that will give its employees, partners, customers the ability to operate seamlessly in a world where information sharing is a critical application. The business leased line can increase the efficiency of your business operation.


and WiFi





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Why Choose us

We have most experienced team to take extra care of your problem solutions.

In today’s world, due to increased need of global communication and use of various technologies, Internet has become most prominent and crucial component of communication infrastructure, all businesses whether a large company, an emerging business, a start-up or a government organization, require the fast, reliable and secure Internet access that will give its employees, partners, customers the ability to operate seamlessly in a world where information sharing is a critical application. The business leased line can increase the efficiency of your business operations.

Broadband & WiFi

We are offering ultrafast broadband depending on customers demand over FTTH (Fibre terminal to home), FTTB (Fibre to the Building) or FTTN (Fibre to the neighbourhood).

Corporate Broadband

Our Corporate Connectivity Solutions are capable for growing your Business with a speed 1 Gbps at very competitive pricing that defy the Industry Standards.

Internet Leased Line

We offering Dedicated Internet Leased Line (1:1) for Small, Medium & Corporates, with Dedicated Bandwidth with ensuring reliable & High-Speed Communications.

Don’t misread here we have random & interesting facts.

Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. Google’s founders were willing to sell & consult.
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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)